Bring, Buy and Swap Bike Sale



The Otaki Athletics Club’s annual fundraiser Bike Buy, Sell and Swap and Car Boot Sale was deemed successful with at least 66 per cent of the bikes on display going to new homes, before it rained.

There was a good variety of bikes on offer, many donated to the club to sell and some selling on behalf of the owner with the club receiving a percentage of the amount paid., Bikes of all sizes from littlies’ three wheelers and pavement bikes – 30 centimetre wheel and trainer wheels, road bikes and off road bikes, scooters and a twin baby buggy. Most bikes were selling between $20 and $70 depending on the condition.

Kiahn Roberts, bike technician, was on hand to check all bikes before they went up for sale.

“There were a few good bikes among them,” he said. “They were all checked and I gave them a bit of a service – pumped up tyres, offered advice. Yes we sold quite a few.”

“It’s been a good day, we’ve sold quite a few,” Club president and sale organiser, Barbara Franks. “Some bikes I’ll put on Trade Me, some I save till the next school gala, but if anyone’s interested they can contact me.”

Club parents had a sausage sizzle going and cake stall to help fill the coffers. Inside the school hall were a number of sales tables, people paid $10 for a table to sell their goods.

People interested in viewing or purchasing a bike can contact Barbara on 06 364 7711.

Kiahn Roberts and Barbara Franks check out a bike at the Athletics Club’s Bike Buy Sell and Swap sale