Older Persons Council to Meet in Otaki


R_MY14_Older-person-councilThe Kāpiti Coast Older Persons’ Council, a partner of the Kāpiti Coast District Council, is meeting in the Otaki RSA on Wednesday 25th June.

John Hayes, Chair of the Older Persons’ Council, says it has been set up to empower older people, advocate on their behalf and inform on ways to have a better and more productive retirement.

“We are an active group making a mark,” he says, “with a raft of submissions on local and regional council plans, a leading role in the campaign to save the Kiosk at Paraparaumu Beach, and preparing for the very popular ‘Age on the Go’ Expo that will be held during October in Waikanae. We have informative monthly meetings with guest speakers and a good discussion time where all attending can contribute.”

However he says it is overtime for the group to meet in Otaki, and the Council is grateful for the hospitality and advice given by the Otaki RSA to make it possible. “The meeting will start at 1pm, and we have lined up two top speakers – Jill Stansfield on how to get the most out of the Gold Card, and Sonya Sloan, recently retired from the Police, on how to keep ourselves safe.” The meeting will also provide an opportunity for Otaki folk to contribute to planning for the Age Friendly Communities Project. “This is a really exciting initiative of the United Nations, and is just gaining some traction in New Zealand. It is especially relevant in Kāpiti as the retired are a higher proportion of our community than anywhere else in New Zealand. We are well aware that the Kāpiti Coast is a collection of communities all with their own character, and this will be an opportunity to record the issues and challenges for older people in the Otaki area. That will help develop a work plan to make our communities Age Friendly.”

He adds that Age Friendly Communities Project is an initiative of the Kāpiti Coast District Council, in partnership with the Older Persons’ Council.