Ōtaki College News » July 2014


R_college_rightR_College-top-rightFrom the Principal

Toi te kupu, toi te mana, toi te whenua.
The permanence of the language, of prestige and land.
Without the Māori language, without prestige or mana and without land Māoritanga will cease to exist

Welcome back to Term 3

This is the business end of the year and it becomes incredibly busy for senior students and teachers. Our senior students are now having to look at subject selection for 2015 if they are staying on at college and this should be linked strongly to thoughts around future study or employment options. Many year 13 students will be needing to make decisions about their next steps if they are leaving at the end of this year. Students going on to tertiary providers should be looking closely at scholarship opportunities and getting ready to submit applications for Halls of Residence if they are going to be residing away from home. It is a time that often causes uncertainty for students and parents so please contact us if you need help, advice or support as important decisions are being made.

We would like to send a strong message that if a student is uncertain about what they want to do next year they should remain at college where there is support to help make decisions in an informed and supportive environment.
Do not leave college unless you have a place to go on to study or employment to go to!

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

This week sees the colleges continued commitment to grow students’ knowledge and understanding of Te Reo Māori me ona tikanga Māori. Matua Ricki Baker has committed to supporting staff with weekly kupu (words), kiwaha (expressions) and sentence structures that can be incorporated into the teaching and learning that takes place in the college. This will not be isolated to this week but will be an on-going feature of what is happening at the college.
Ma te huruhuru, ka rere te manu

Ōtaki Scholar Arrives in Ōtaki (28th July – 1st August)

The Ōtaki Scholar, Hamish Atkins, arrives in Wellington on Monday 28th July. Hamish is the School Captain of Robert Gordon’s College (Aberdeen Scotland) and is the 71st Scholar since the inception of the Ōtaki Shield in 1937 in his college.
Hamish is a first class scholar and will be studying engineering next year at university. He has been working already on a project with Robert Gordon University building a submersible vehicle that can perform tasks out in the oil fields. He is a keen rugby player but also enjoys the outdoors through skiing, rock climbing and running.

Hamish will be attending the Powhiri at Raukawa Marae on Tuesday 29th July to welcome him into the town and he will then be treated to a tour of historical places and places of significance to the town and outlying areas.
On Wednesday, thanks to the continuing support of John Barrett and Kapiti Island Nature Tours he will go to Kapiti Island and stay overnight with our Head boy Hamish McMillan.
On Thursday he will spend time in the college speaking to the student body and then going off to various activities. To finish off the day he will be dining out and then on Friday he goes to Wellington to travel to the South Island via the Inter Island Ferry.

Sander Scholar

Following the Ōtaki Scholar visit it is now the time of year for us to select the next Sander Scholar to travel to Aberdeen in Scotland in 2015 as part of our new reciprocal arrangement with Robert Gordon’s College. Students have handed in their applications and the selection panel will interview their shortlisted students in the next two weeks.
I want to again take this opportunity to sincerely thank Shelley Macrae and Sander Tie Company for making this amazing scholarship possible. This is a huge commitment to Ōtaki College and offers a student the trip of a lifetime to represent our college and Ōtaki overseas.

College Property Update

Property Plan Sign off with Ministry of Education
After two years of negotiation we have signed off our property development plan. This is very exciting! There are three major projects which will hopefully be completed in the next three years;
• Relocation and development of a new Learning Support and RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour) hub.
• Relocation and development of the college Library/large modern learning space in N Block.
• Upgrade and Reconfiguration of the college Administration Block
There will also be other minor projects and removal of some older buildings. The final outcome of this work will be that the College will continue to develop as a well-resourced community college delivering high quality educational programmes to the young people of our community.

New Car Park

To minimise vehicle traffic in the college a new car park will located to the rear of the tennis courts and to the side of Te Whare hui. Construction will commence in September. .
There is now a visitor’s car park located at the rear of the Ministry of Education building at the top of the College driveway off Mill Road.

Student Pedestrian Safety

In an effort to continue to make sure that students can move safely in the college grounds we have erected a barrier arm that will be in place to stop motor vehicles entering the grounds. This will be in operation before school, after school and during student break times.
A newsletter has been sent home to parents/whanau with the specific times that the barrier arm will be in operation and this can be sourced on the college website.

Te Whare Hui

Funding has been sourced to extend and develop Te Whare Hui. This will mean that we can build on an office, resource room, storage area, toilet, shower and kitchen. The funding will cover materials for this project but will not cover labour costs so we will be looking to complete this project through working bees and community support. There will be more to come on this but we look forward to your support because this will potentially allow Te Whare to then be used by community groups and as a possible homework centre.

New College Sign

By now you have hopefully spotted the new college sign at the front gate. This will hopefully landmark the college and allow visitors to locate the college more easily as they come down Mill Road. It will also allow us to keep you posted on college events and successes.

In closing

Thank you to whanau / parents and members of the community that continually support the college in so many ways. Every little thing thing helps builds pride in our college and we value this immensely.
He iti noa ana, na te aroha
Although the present is small it is given in love.

Andy Fraser

Off to Surfers Paradise – a Geography Field Trip

Car washes, quiz nights, raffles and catering. All came to fruition when we met at 2.20am to get to Wellington Airport. Travelling by plane and overseas was all new to some of us and then we had to look after our own passport and tickets. Learning for life indeed!
In Australia we were studying the impact of tourism on the locals, on urban design, on transport issues and on attractions and facilities. So there were study days and days that were related to testing out some of the tourist attractions.
To look at the main tourist attractions we went to Dreamworld and Wet’n’Wild. A fantastic day was had at Dreamworld. Some of us went on every scary ride available and some even freaked out at the little kids’ roller coaster. The Big Drop was awesome for the brave while the log flume proved a wetting challenge for others. Wet’n’Wild had some amazing and scary water features. Scariest of all, the Aqualoop was bravely confronted by one student while the rest of us enthusiastically cheered her on.JL14_CollegeGeography-1
We went to Jellurgal to see cultural tourism and learn about the dark days of aboriginal culture and the lasting impact that that has had on the health, education and social statistics of the aborigines. Life expectancy, educational achievement and house ownership are all significantly below mainstream Australians. The person giving our talk was quite intense about the bad days and the stolen generation.
Our final day was spent at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. The talk on sustainable tourism was the best talk we had and the day spent petting kangaroos, emus and lorikeets was great. Those that went on the high ropes course to have a final fling on the adventure stuff had a great time.
Then unfortunately time to come home, some with bags laden with new clothes and the odd present and some with just the odd present – money runs out quickly when you’re a tourist.
It was a great trip we learned lots and most importantly, we had heaps of fun.

College Celebrates Matariki

On Wednesday 2nd of July, the Ōtaki College Year 7/8 department celebrated matariki through a series of fun learning activities. Over the course of the day, the Year 7/8 students were involved in a range of activities such as navigation by the stars, planting and making poi. Students also learnt about Matariki over the course of the day and why it is an important part of Māori culture. A hangi was made with the help and support of teachers Willie Manuel and Matua Ricki. A huge thanks to the staff and students involved as it was a great day.JL14_College-Matariki-1

Megan Nelson-Latu
Curriculum Leader, Year 7&8


The ŌC Home and School Association have their first fundraiser for 2014 on Friday the 8th of August and it is a night not to be missed. The awesome quiz of two halves features Nick Tansley and Paul Carlyon as quiz masters, with the fantastic Andrew and Kirsten London for half time entertainment.
With doors opening at 7pm, it will be a night to remember. Tickets on sale from Wednesday the 23rd of July at the Ōtaki College Office. Only $15 a ticket, or get a group of ten together and pay only $120. Spot prizes, cash bar and lots of fun guaranteed. Tickets can also be booked by emailing the college office:office@otakicollege.school.nz


Congratulations to Ōtaki College student, Kahurangi Sturmey, who is currently in Las Vegas with the NZ Basketball AcademyJL14_F_College-Kahurangi