Return of Unused Hospital Loan Equipment


It is winter and MidCentral Health is appealing to people who have finished using hospital loan equipment, to return it as soon as possible so other patients can use it.

Loaned equipment may have been left in a shed, spare room, or even under the bed but now is the time to return it as winter sports injuries are more common.

Loan equipment manager, Neil Aitcheson says there are many loan equipment items still out in the community, and he’d like as many of them back as possible, but only if people have finished using them.

Mr Aitcheson said he’d particularly like to see shower stools, over toilet frames, commodes, wheelchairs, bath boards, walking sticks, ‘helping hands/easy reaches’, and crutches returned, however virtually all equipment is in short supply.

Any loan equipment that people have finished with, can either be left at the Loan Equipment Store at Palmerston North Hospital; or at Palmerston North Hospital (main reception desk, Ruahine Street entrance), Horowhenua Health Centre, Clevely Centre (Feilding), Dannevirke Community Hospital, and Pahiatua Community Health Services reception desks.

People can also ring Materials Management at Palmerston North Hospital on (06) 350-8990, so arrangements can be made for equipment to be picked up for free.