Otaki Soccer Players go to Sydney

Matthew Braddock, Fergus Roy and Chris Hawley-Stone (Click for full size image)
Matthew Braddock, Fergus Roy and Chris Hawley-Stone (Click for full size image)

Matthew Braddock, Chris Hawley- Stone and Fergus Roy, 3 Otaki Lads, recently spent a week in the big smoke, Sydney, playing in the M Sport cup for two 13th grade Capital Football teams. The boys, were all selected last year for Capital Football’s Federation Talent Centre Kapiti squad, a talent training program that is overseen by NZ Football. They were then invited to be part of 2 teams that travelled to compete in the M Sports cup in Sydney against 8 other teams, one from Auckland and 7 from Sydney, including Sydney’s top squads.

The boys had an absolutely fantastic time, travelling with some of their Kapiti FTC team, and boys from other FTC teams from the lower Nth Island regions. They got to play with many boys who are their rivals in the weekly Saturday morning club soccer pool, but who are now their friends. They learned a lot and had an amazing time.

One team coming 4th in the competition and the other coming 6th. It was definitely a trip that they will all remember for a very long time. Matthew Braddock received support from the Otaki Community Board for the cost of his trip, and Chris Hawley-Stone received support from the Otaki Womens Community Club, both were most appreciative of this support