Ōtaki Playcentre now has a Secretary


JN14_Playcentre_nancyNew Ōtaki Playcentre Secretary Nancy Neale started work in May. Her job is to help manage administration so the whānau who attend can focus on the most important thing: play. 

‘Learning through play is the whole idea of Playcentre’said Nancy. ‘But we’re a small centre and the administrative pressure had started to over-shadow the fun times we all wanted to have with our children. So we asked the Wellington Playcentre Association to help us fund a paid role for a few hours a week, to take the pressure off families. I think it’s made a big difference.’

Even though Nancy’s only been in the new role for a short time, things are already easier for members. ‘Nancy’s new role is great’ said new President Alice Cameron. ‘We are all happy to do our bit and share the day-to-day workload of running a centre, but Nancy is the natural person for the big administration job. She’s a long-term Playcentre mum with determination, the right qualifications, loads of great ideas and she is full of enthusiasm. She’s already made it easier and we know she’s going to do an excellent job in the future.’

Playcentre is a New Zealand-born organisation that started during World War Two to provide mothers and children a place to meet and support each other. The main idea is that children learn through play. Research proves this is true and we now know children learn best when playing alongside whānau and trusted friends. 

Even though it’s small, Playcentre has a long history and strong community in Ōtaki. Mums, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone who cares for an under-five are invited to come and check out Ōtaki Playcentre at 169 Mill Road on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.