From the Otaki Mail, Monday August 11, 1924

From 121 Years of the Anglican Church in Otaki, 1839 - 1960
From 121 Years of the Anglican Church in Otaki, 1839 – 1960

Memorial Service for Louis St George

Tribute by the Rev G F Petrie, MA

Very beautiful and touching was the tribute paid to the memory of the late Louis St George, in All Saints’ Church last night, and there must have been few hearts in the congregation that were not deeply moved during the course of the service….. The rendering of the Maori Funeral Hymn by a choir of Maoris, who came to add their little loving tribute to the memory of a dear friend, added much to the solemn beauty of the service, and will linger long in the memory of those who listened to it. The Vicar’s address…. On Friday morning August 1st, the soul of Louis St George, a beloved warden of this church, and everyone’s friend, returned, with almost tragic suddenness, to Him to gave it …. Never before in the long history of our little township has such a tribute been paid to the memory of one of its citizens as that which was witnessed here on Sunday last when the mortal remains of our beloved one were laid in his long resting place in God’s acre….. Pakeha and Maori, all creeds and sects, rich and poor, gathered together to pay their last respects to one whose life had commanded universal admiration and who was friend and fellow to all….