Otaki College Computers in Homes Graduates 2015: KIA KAHA

Computers in homes: (L-R)Rachel Esslemont with Karen Whittington and Andy Fraser
Computers in homes: (L-R)Rachel Esslemont with Karen Whittington and Andy Fraser

On the 2nd of May 2015 six amazing families from Otaki College completed the Computers in Homes programme for 2015.

These six families have successfully completed their the 20 hours of computer training at the college with support from their trainer Rachel Esslemont and their champions Deputy Principal Marion Lumley and Principal Andy Fraser.

As with the other schools/kura in Otaki who have had the programme this year Otaki College welcomed the Computers in Homes programme as it created a fantastic opportunity for the families who did not have a desktop computer at home or an Internet connection

Well done whanau!