Kapiti Libraries at the Forefront


R_KCDC-Library-bannerFor those who embrace new technologies and like the idea of borrowing ebooks from the library, help is at hand with our district libraries now offering one of the largest, per capita, ebook collections in the country.

F_R_OtakiLibraryThe libraries now have access to more than 4,000 free ebooks and audiobooks for library members to check out, after they teamed up with supplier Baker & Taylor and their innovative Axis 360 Digital Media Library.

“While our borrowers have been using ebooks for some time, there is now a much greater range available for them to download onto their own device,” Jeremy Langley, the Libraries Digital Services Coordinator, says.

My15_Library-ebooks.jpg“The fact that customers can borrow books anywhere at any time and customise their reading, such as increasing font size if they’re visually impaired, is very appealing. Another bonus is that there are no overdue fees because on the day your ebook is due to be checked in, it simply disappears from your device.”

If you want to learn about ebooks, there are some workshops available to show you how to check them out and load them onto your device. Otaki has one on Thursday 7 May 10–11 am but to need to advise what class and what device to digital.library@kapiticoast.govt.nz

Otaki Librarian